
Thursday, February 18, 2016

How could you apply one of the techniques/methods discussed by the speakers into your research/work?

How could you apply one of the techniques/methods discussed by the speakers into your research/work?

I liked the speaker’s use of Qualtrics. I’ve used many of the methods discussed in this speech extensive and fully intend to utilize these skills in the future. I however disagreed with many of the points made in their speeches, based on experience, and as a corporate employee am often required to write vision documents, software specifications, and have defensible metrics. Even card sorting, with a simple end goal can have metrics. After seeing the survey, I would recommend researchers seek out qualified users with a vested interest and stakeholders. It can be useful to have random testers, but future users of a site are going to be more likely to care about the end goal. Also, if you find users who are experts in the UX/UI fields there will be a lot more attention to detail in comments so programs are less likely to go into production with simple errors or known standards issues.
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Senior UI/UX web designer at a large-scale IT contractor for defense, intelligence, and civilian government solutions. Adventurist and certified Yoga / Barre Instructor. Love aviation, books, and travel.Prefer long light hearted series in mystery, comedy, fantasy, and romance.

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