
Sunday, January 31, 2016

UX Research Proposal || - 508 Compliance

508 compliance/WCAG2.0 AA - these are the standard regulations set forth by the United States Government and UK for digital service standards to ensure EIT and web applications created for public use by the governement are reasonably accessible to all users. Meaning, anyone with a disability should be able to use EIT (electronic and information technology) with equal access. Disabilities span further than just a user who is blind, deaf, or in a wheel chair. These regulations are created to also protect users with color blindness, who have multiple impairments, have learning disabilities, and impaired motor skills etc. I would like to research pitfalls to the implementation of these regulations for government agencies and contractors, create testing guidelines and recommendations (beyond what is listed on web aim), do user testing and get feedback from users with impairments, and feedback from users who use programs like JAWS. I would then like to compare the US and UK regulations while defining how compliance measures up to actual accessibility recommendations from sites like web aim. Please note that compliance is not the same as actual accessibility and neither are the criteria for successfully being compliant.
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Senior UI/UX web designer at a large-scale IT contractor for defense, intelligence, and civilian government solutions. Adventurist and certified Yoga / Barre Instructor. Love aviation, books, and travel.Prefer long light hearted series in mystery, comedy, fantasy, and romance.

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